Angiography Angiography


Angiography is a medical test which uses an X-ray and a contrast dye to examine the condition of the arteries, veins, and other blood vessels carrying blood to different parts of the body. This procedure helps diagnose and evaluate a wide range of vascular conditions.

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Conditions Treated

Angiography is commonly used to diagnose and guide treatment for conditions such as:

Frequently Asked Questions:

Are there any risks or side effects associated with angiography?

Like any medical procedure, angiography carries some risks. These can include allergic reactions to the contrast dye, bleeding or infection at the catheter insertion site, damage to blood vessels, or radiation exposure from X-ray imaging. However, healthcare providers take precautions and closely monitor patients during the procedure to minimize risks. The benefits of angiography in diagnosing and guiding treatment for vascular conditions often outweigh the potential risks. Healthcare professionals will discuss the risks and benefits of angiography with each patient, addressing any concerns and ensuring informed decision-making.

What is angiography, and how does it work?

Angiography is a diagnostic procedure that uses X-ray imaging and contrast dye to visualize the blood vessels in the body. A thin tube called a catheter is inserted into a blood vessel, and the contrast dye is injected, highlighting the blood vessels on X-ray images. This allows healthcare providers to evaluate the condition of arteries, veins, and other blood vessels and detect any abnormalities or blockages.

Who is eligible for angiography?

Eligibility for angiography depends on individual circumstances and the specific medical condition being evaluated. It is typically recommended for individuals experiencing symptoms such as chest pain, unexplained limb pain, stroke symptoms, or suspected vascular abnormalities. Healthcare providers assess each case to determine the necessity and appropriateness of angiography, considering factors such as medical history, symptoms, and the potential benefits of the procedure.